
I.S.S.T.C.'s activities

  • 2016. 21st December, Winter Solstice, 314th Birthday Anniversary of Tommaso Crudeli, established the ” TOMMASO CRUDELI ART.18 HUMAN RIGHTS” FOUNDATION in Baltimore MD, by Incorporator Mr Hurst Hessey, Lawyer.
  • 2016. 22 Ottobre, Poppi. Giornata di Studio  TOMMASO CRUDELI-FRANCESCO LORENA, PUNTO-DI-NON-RITORNO PER L’ UMANITA’ “…dalla condanna di Tommaso Crudeli (1740) alla sospensione del Tribunale dell’Inquisizione (1741) alla chiusura (1782), dall’abolizionemdella pena di morte (1786)alla DichiarazioneUniversale dei Diritti Umani (1948)”. Salone delle Feste, Castello dei Guidi, Sindaco Carlo Toni, Guglielmo Adilardi, Luigi Pruneti, Federico Cocchi, Alberto Candidi Tommasi Crudeli, Vice Sindaco Luciano Pancini.
  • 2016. 22 Ottobre, Poppi. Durante la Giornata di Studio  nel Salone delle Feste, Castello dei Guidi, il Vice Sindaco Luciano Pancini é stato nominato “Membro Onorario” dell’Istituto per i meriti acquisiti negli ultii 15 anni a sostegno della memoria di Tommaso Crudeli.
  • 2016. 12th November. During the Annual Meeting of GL, A.F. & A.M., of Virginia in Richmont, the President MWGM Kenneth S. Wyvill Jr presented a Bust of Tommaso Crudeli for ” Allen E. Roberts Masonic Library, Inc.” to the MWGM James Edward Litten, . The President of IHSTC was together Mr Wayne Penley as Minister Plenipotentiary of HSTCI of North America and Mr Justin Wingerd, Mr DerekMcGowan and Raoul T. Crudeli.
  • 2016. 14th October. The Historical Museum in Springfield Ohio of the largest Brotherhood Community of America has received a gift of a bust of Tommaso Crudeli (by Vittoria Fiorin) recognized as First Martyr of Universal Freemasonry. Officially during the Annual Meeting of Brotherhood of Ohio the President of IHSTC of North America, MWGM Kenneth S. Wyvill Jr, presented the bust to MWGM Robert C. Rill Jr. The lecture of President Kenneth S. Wyvill will be reported on ……
  • 2016. 3rd -9th July. At the great annual manifestation of the ICOM (International Council of Museums) being held in Milan, the FIHRM (International Federation of Human Rights Museum) of which the Institute is part, has hosted an intervention by the IHSTC.
  • 2016. 4th May. The Institute bocames a Member of Federation International Human Rights Museum ( Liverpool, UK) affiliated to ICOM ( International Council of Museums ). 04 May 2016
  • 2016. 27th April. Presentation of Bust of T.C. at Atlantic City NJ for the Library and Museum of Trenton, Nj of the Grand Lodge of NJ made by H. President Kenneth S. Wyvill Jr, Wayne Penley as Minister Plenipotentiary of HSTCI of North America and Mr Justin Wingerd.
  • 2016. 4th January. Towson ( Baltimore MD), nomination of Mr Wayne Penley as Plenipotentiary of HSTCI of North America.
  • 2015 28th December. Presentation of Bust of T.C. at the Masonic Museum of Boston MA made by H. President Kenneth S. Wyvill Jr, Ambassador Roger D.Dunn and Prof. Kathy Burton Jones, Museum Director. Bro. Tommaso Crudeli (1702-1745) His Masonic Sacrifice
  • 2015. Appointment of Mr Kenneth S. Wyvill Jr as H. President ( 1st non-Italian) of N. America
  • 2015. 16th May. Donation of bust by Vittoria Fiorin of Tommaso Crudeli, First Martyr of Universal Fremasonry, to the Masonic Museum of Hunt Valley.
  • 2014. June. Charge to Giovanni Sicuro “Minto” to sculpting a miniature bust of T.C. to maximize the diffusion of Martyrdom of the Poet.
  • 2014. 22th November. At Palazzo Kecler, Udine, present of the prototype of Miniature bust of T.C. as First Martyr of Universal Fremasonry to Mr Stefano Bisi, G.O.I. President.
  • 2014. 11th May. Appointment of Mr Roger D. Dunn as Ambassador of HSTCI for N. America.
  • 2014. 2nd April.
  • 2013. Very relavant discovery in Boston MA of a relevant letter addressed to T.C. by Lord Horace Mann (1737) concerning the secretary of the Prince Craon (Governor of Gran Duchy) to be allocated to the Poet.
  • 2012. Year XVI/2 “It should regulate everything under the circumstances.” The art of pleasing women to Tommaso Crudeli between libertines echoes and treatises on behavior, definitive allocation by Roberto Risso, Fabrizio Serra Editor, Rome.
  • 2011. August. Appointment of Mr Federico Cocchi ( formerly H. Member) as Ambassador of HSTCI in Italy.
  • 2010. 21st August. The Mayor Graziano Agostini with all the Council of the municipality of Poppi, in Palazzo Crudeli. in the room in front of the deadly chamber T.C., confers Honorary Citizenship for services rendered to Raoul C. Tommasi Crudeli, on the same date on which 270 years earlier T.C. He was released from prison on 1740.
  • Same date. Institute had the honor to appoint Honorary Member of the late Prof. Gabriella Agosti, director of 7 recitals agostani “Quod libet festival” for T.C.
  • 2008 13th September. On the occasion of Harvard University prof. Kathy Burton Jones’ visit, Director of the soon-to-be “Museum of Tommasi Crudeli”, after a visit of the Shrine of the Martyr, followed a convivial meeting in the garden of Gherardi Palace in Poppi with Aretinian and Tuscan VIP , local Autorities and friends of Institute.
  • 2008, 5th May. Donation of the bust of Tommaso Crudeli and placement in the Library of the GL of the State of New York with an italian delegation from Poppi. New York.
  • 2007, 9th December, h 15. Unveiling of an American plaque on the facade of the Palazzo Crudeli, Poppi. Present a delegation of NYC and Prof. Maria Gatteschi, owner of building together the Mayor and Municipality Council.
  • 2007, 20th October. Exposure in the context of the Literary Anthology Casentino, was devoted the chamber “Tommaso Crudeli” in the former Municipality’s Local Court of Poppi by Riliana & Vettori Library.
  • 2007. June. American delegation of the GL of New York State led by MWGM Neal I. Bidnick. Visit into Palazzo Crudeli to the Shrine of Tommaso Crudeli, First Martyr of Universal Freemasonry.
  • 2007, 12th August. Musical dedicated to Tommaso Crudeli as part of the events of “Quod Libet Festival”, Poppi (Manifesto 2007).
  • 2007, 30th June – 1st July. Visit of delegation from Harvard University with Prof. Katherine Burton Jones. Feasibility study for the ‘opening of a museum dedicated to Tommaso Crudeli.
  • 2006, 4th August. Musical dedicated to Tommaso Crudeli as part of the events of “Quod Libet Festival”, Poppi (Invito 2006).
  • 2005. Unity to the mayor Graziano Agostini and essayist Guglielmo Adilardi, conferred by Ambassador of the Institute Rita Giraldi Tommasi Crudeli.
  • 2005, 6th August. Musical dedicated to Tommaso Crudeli as part of the events of “Quod Libet Festival”, Poppi (Invito 2005).
  • 2005. Artistic interpretation of the portrait T.C. before the prison, the work of Abraham Clet. Exposure in the Guidi Castle. Poppi
  • 2004, Dicember. Screen printing production of hundreds of ties, scarves, T-shirts with picture and signature of T. Crudeli, for promotional purposes.
  • 2004, 13th August. Musical dedicated to Tommaso Crudeli as part of the events of “Quod Libet Festival”. Poppi
  • 2004. Financing of the study and portrait of Tommaso before incarceration to French artist Clet Abraham. Poppi
  • 2003. Lecture at the University of Udine on the case of Benoffi, inquisitor of Tommaso Crudeli, and his transfer from Florence Inquisition Tribunal to Udine’ one.
  • 2003. August. Musical dedicated to Tommaso Crudeli as part of the events of “Quod Libet Festival”, Poppi.
  • 2003. 7thJuly.International symposium in Poppi “Individual Liberties / Collective Liberties on the 300th Birth Anniversary of Tommaso Crudeli”; Castello dei Guidi, Poppi. Conference proceedings at site.
  • 2003. Portrait of T.C. silver bas-relief of the artist Giovanni Sicuro, named “Minto”.
  • 2003. 07.07. Stamp obliteration postcards at the Castle of the Guidi as Official temporary philatelic Post Office. Poppi
  • 2003. Edition of “Il calamaio del Padre Inquisitore” (The Father Inquisitor inkwell) by Luca Corsi and Tommaso Crudeli, care of Prof. Renzo Rabboni, with preface by Prof. Marco Cerruti.
  • 2003. April. Homage to the City of Poppi of Tommaso Crudeli bust Vittoria Fiorin in the “Sala delle Feste” in Guidi Castle. Poppi
  • 2003. June. Foundation Board dell’International Historical Court in Poppi, in Municipality’ local Court. Poppi
  • 2003. Presentation at the “Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio” of Bologna of the Protocol of Understanding and the “Provectus Nomis, Poppi Città della Tolleranza” between the City of Poppi and the Institute of Studies Historical Tommaso Crudeli . The Honorary President of HSTCI, prof. Fabio Roversi Monaco, former President of the University of Bologna. Honorarity by Institute appointed to the Mayor Carlo Cipriani, Prof. Renzo Rabboni, Prof. Maurizio Colafranceschi.
  • 2003. Postal Cards B&W of poppi Municipality and HSTCI : “ Città della Tolleranza”
  • 2002, 18th May. Homage del Bust by Vittoria Fiorin at the Circolo Gymnasium in Trieste for the poems of Tommaso Crudeli employed by Italian school teachers during Irredentism.
  • 2000.February-June. Monographic course of Italian Philology – “l’affaire Crudeli” – held by Prof. Rabboni, with 30 lessons available through the Internet.
  • 2000. Conference on the occasion of the presentation of the book “Monsignor * Mordi Graffiante, * Dr.” Prof Renzo Rabboni, Palazzo Florio, Rector Universitas Utinensis., Editor Dal Bianco – ISSTC ( HSTCI)
  • 1999. Two lectures on Tommaso Crudeli of Prof. Gabriella Milan University of Padua, in Cividale del Friuli (UD) and a Poppi (AR).
  • 1998-2003. Artistic and interpretative activities on Tommaso Crudeli with busts, tables, carvings, jewelry and philately, involving – among others – Pier Toffoletti, Giovanni Sicuro called “Minto”, Alberto Fiorin, Victoria Baik, Massimo Morgantini and Abraham Clet. Some medical studies (physiognomic and patholocical) on Tommaso Crudeli led by some academics as well.
  • 1998. Publication of: “Proceedings Tommaso Crudeli on the 250th anniversary of the imprisonment” held in Guidi Castle in Poppi on 28.10.1989. Editor ISSTC (HSTCI)
  • 1997. Incorporation dell’I.S.S.T.C. ( HSTCI) with five (desendant) founding members.
  • 1995.15th December. Roberto Gervaso got a special lecture on Freemasonry the dawn and Tommaso Crudeli in Castle of Guidi; followed by a recital of Giovanni Maria Tenti on “la marescialla” written by D. Diderot with the pseudonym of T.C.
  • 1995. Placement plaque on Palazzo Crudeli in Poppi and presentation of the booklet “Tommaso Crudeli and misinformation, from the enemy to the victim” Dr. Attilio D’Anzeo, Editor ISSTC, Guidi Castle.Poppi.
  • 1995. Presentation of the publication “Tommaso Crudeli in the 250 anniversary of his death. I recall interpretative of descendants”, during the opening of the GOI GL. Hilton Hotel, Rome.
  • 1993. First Opening of multilingual sites on Tommaso Crudeli, with peaks of almost 2,500 visitors per month.
  • 1993. Opening of the Italian webpage site
  • 1992-2003. Organization and funding of research on Tommaso Crudeli into national and Vatican libraries; support dozens of degree thesis.
  • 1990-2003. Research activities of over 600 holos of by Tommaso Crudeli microfilm (in Udine, Florence, Arezzo, Modena, Livorno, Vatican).
  • 1989. Publishing “Un’antica Condanna” ( Ancient Condemnation) written by Guglielmo
  • 1989. 28th October. Poppi Castel of Guidi. 250th anniversary of the imprisonment of T.C.; lectures of Z.Ciuffoletti, G.Folena, G.Milan, A.D’Anzeo, N.Casiglio, G.Adilardi.
  • 1989. Un’antica Condanna ( Ancient Condemnation) by Guglielmo Adilardi published by Bastogi.